- VI Government Agencies must display the Mandatory OSHA Posters and VIDOSH Poster in their workplace.
- Employers must post all complaints letters, citations, and any inspection related documents.
- Union and/or employee representatives have the right to be present during all OSHA interventions— Inspections, Consultation, and Outreach.
- All Virgin Islands Public Sector Departments and/or Agencies must report:
- Fatalities to OSHA within eight hours or after hours to the OSHA Emergency Hot-Line 1-800-321-OSHA.
- All work-related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations, and all losses of an eye within 24 hours
- Only fatalities occurring within 30 days of the work-related incident must be reported to OSHA. Further, for an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye, these incidents must be reported to OSHA only if they occur within 24 hours of the work-related incident
- You Can Report to OSHA by:
- Calling OSHA’s free and confidential number at 1-800-321-OSHA (6742).
- Contacting VIDOSH during normal business hours via (Phone) 340-713-3414, (Fax) 340-713-3422 or E-MAIL Subject: Fatalities and/or Accidents Reporting Recordkeeping.
- Utilizing the new online form that will soon be available
- The employer must post the OSHA’s Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Forms (Form 300A) from February-April every year. VI employers with seven or more employees are required to record all injuries and illnesses.
Safety Starts Here!
Employers: Use this virtual bulletin board as a guide to set up your workplace safety bulletin board. All mandatory posters are required to be displayed.